Monday, November 3, 2008

Time Change

Fall back. Those words make my heart jump with joy! An extra hour of sleep! What could be better? Having Jim-Jim this year has made me aware that some don't honor the tradition of falling back, though.

  1. People in AZ: Not pertinent but a fact none-the-less
  2. The cat: Instead of screaming at us for half an hour at dinner-time, Chloe now screams at us for an hour and a half begging for her dinner.
  3. My boobs: The female body is amazing! In addition to growing a human being, it has the ability to produce milk on a schedule. I pump at the same times every day so my body knows exactly when to produce breast milk, and this prevents me from walking around engorged all of the time. Unfortunately, due to the time change, my body is raring to go at 4:00am now instead of 5:00am. It sure does make for an uncomfortable last hour of sleep!
  4. Jim-Jim: How do you tell an infant that he needs to stay awake an hour longer at night and sleep an hour later in the morning than his biological clock is telling him to do. A memo? A shaman? Morse code? We've been so rigid about his bedtime that the stinker is just doing what we've always made him do. If Jim-Jim came with a reset button, I haven't found it yet! And if not, he should! I'm going to ask for that model next time. Ah...who am I kidding? He could wake me up at 4:00am until he is 18 years old, and I'd still want another one just like him. He's such an amazing kid!


Shannon said...

It is kinda nice. I had a bad habit of just never changing clocks back even when I lived in zones that did have a time change.

kaylynrenee said...

Hearin' ya on all that jazz... Jackson is finally starting to wake up a little bit later each day. We're moving to CA on Friday, and they're 3 hours behind us here in NC... 7am is about to turn into 4am!!! Pray for us...