Thursday, August 7, 2008

8 Weeks

One day I'm going to wake up and go to Jim-Jim's crib to find him hanging his college diploma and introducing me to his fiance! The boy is growing tremendously fast! Once you have a baby, everyone feels the need to warn you about how quickly they grow and change, and I am now a believer. The first 2 pictures below have been previously posted, and I've posted them again as a reference. The 1st is of Jim-Jim at 2 weeks and the 2nd is at 5 weeks. The 3rd picture is new- it was taken last night at 8 weeks. Jim-Jim asked me to tell you to please excuse the pot-belly. Mama fed him 5 ounces right before this picture was taken so he was feeling a little bloated.

For those who want an update, Jim-Jim is doing amazingly well. We have been blessed with such an easy-going baby! He has taken to day care well and seems to be thriving there. Jim and I have noticed that once we get him home from day care, we typically never hear him cry the whole night, even if he gets a bath. We put him in the crib around 7:30pm, and he puts himself to sleep. He's been sleeping anywhere from 6 1/2 to 8 1/2 hours each night since he was 6 weeks old. I've been pushing him towards the 8 1/2 hour mark this week. A wise woman once told me that once he proves he can go a certain amount of time without eating at night, hold him to it (Thanks Lydia:). Twice this week he woke up at 1:30am. I rocked him for a few minutes and put him back in his crib without feeding him, and he slept until 4am- 8 1/2 hours. Now we just need to stop waking up:) He's starting to interact a lot more lately. He loves to smile and release what sounds like a laugh when his daddy makes funny faces. It's beautiful to see them together...but scary to think another Big Jim is going to be running around (they are going to be exactly alike!!!) I can't wait to see what the future holds for him!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

awww so cute! He looks so content there. I hear about the growth of babies from everyone who has them - I tried to buy them all 6-12 month old onesies, not like those will last that long either though! :)