After visiting Jim-Jim, my mom said, "The way he moves around now, I have a feeling he's going to put that energy and his curiosity together for some fun exploring times!" Our baby is a mover and a shaker! My mom has raised 4 children, and SHE was shocked by how animated he is. From the time he was 4 weeks old, we had a little treasure hunt every morning to search the crib for him because he was NEVER in the same place we laid him when we went to bed.
I can see his little infant mind working when I put him to bed:
Mission #1: Kick off my sheets
Mission #2: Make it to the stereo
Mission #3: Take over the world
The first picture is where we place him in his bed every night, and the second picture is how we find him every morning, with his head pressed against the stereo that plays white noise and his arms and legs flailing.

He doesn't cry...he just MOVES, and I have no doubt he would end up in Austin before stopping if the crib railing wasn't there to prevent it! I'm thankful he's such a happy, smiley baby or that energy would be spent making our lives miserable! We're going to have to hire a personal trainer just to keep up with our little monster once he becomes mobile!

So darling!! With all that energy, at least that means maybe he'll possibly be interested in sports later on and you guys will get to play with him! I remember one of my little cousins at age 5 would go running with me when I was visiting my grandparents...they were just glad to have him go run off some energy haha.
Kara...just saw your comment from 8/25; yah, I decided to "get over" Adam on exactly Feb. 17th. So on Feb. 18th at 2 a.m. I get a text from the very Adam "u awake?" And yes, we did talk for a whole 3 weeks before he met some girl. So that's the cycle. But now I don't think that'll happen again, since he's with this girl now.
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