Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Picnic at the Airport
Not to miss an opportunity to hang out with GrannySan, we loaded up our Jim-Jim supplies and headed to the airport for a picnic. We bought 3 burgers from our favorite hole-in-the-wall burger joint and ate them on the floor of the airport while Jim-Jim played on a blanket on the ground. We had such a great time catching up and letting GrannySan love on Jim-Jim, even if it was only for a 2-hour layover. On-lookers be damned (the people in the pic behind mom stared at us the ENTIRE time!), we're going to have our picnic and enjoy every minute of it!

I had to do a double-read, Kara and hamburger joints? ;) I've started on chicken (well last 1.5 yrs or so) but just haven't craved anything else really. Airports are funny about people and their staring; sometimes I just stare back haha.
That face is fantastic!! Haha. Dusty is coming home from California today. He's been gone since Tuesday. I cannot wait to see Jackson's reaction when he sees him for the 1st time in 4 days!!
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