Exhibit A
Kara and I were getting ready for work one morning this week. Jim-Jim was supposed to be asleep in his crib after his first feeding of the day. While in our bedroom, we hear a large THUD, THUD, THUD. Concerned, we rushed into his room to find this:

Exhibit B
We have a pretty unique changing table. K and I shopped for quite a while looking for one that we really liked. We finally came across a corner changing table; this table allows Jim-Jim's feet to face us, helping changes go much more smoothly. Anyway, hung over the changing table are a couple of fabric shoe racks, the type that can be hung from the back of a closet door to provide extra storage. These allow for quick access to things like Tylenol, thermometers, and stuffed animals.
Jimbo has begun to take notice of these hanging racks, and has started reaching for them and playing with them while being changed. It's like he just has to check them out. This week, he grabbed one with his hand, and then raised his feet to it, as if to push it out a bit for further inspection.

This boy is going to be into everything very quickly. I think we may need to babyproof sooner rather than later. Our prayer is that we will be able to channel this natural energy and dexterity into something constructive!!
Okay, Nana. This is where you say, "I told you so." :) I distinctly remember you suggesting that they might need to be hung a little bit higher on the wall. I swear, he wasn't able to do that 3 days ago! He's developed a whole new skill set overnight!!!
This was something I was excited about when Jackson started doing it. Reaching for objects. Haha... I have home video of the 1st times and everything. Isn't it funny how those things are so exciting?!
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