To all who have commented on my boy's size, look at him now. He's just skin and bones!
Okay, okay...that was pretty corny. Remember that old adage about the apple not falling far from the tree? Please have mercy on my son when he makes a corny joke. Offer a sympathy laugh or a snicker or something! A smirk, maybe? He didn't get to pick his parents, and he doesn't have much of a chance with our DNA and Jim and me raising him. Nature AND nurture, he's getting it on both fronts! He's destined to be a goober!
More corniness for your amusement:
How awesome does he look??!!!
That is pure greatness. You need to post that picture on my message board. That would start a LONG thread. lol. Hope you guys are doing well, and give that little tike a hug from us!
-- Stephen & Andi
hilarious... especially the pee pee one. Haha. And in the ninja one, I thought he was rapping! Ha!
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