As Kara mentioned, there are so many things that will be different about Jim-Jim's life than ours. For instance, Jim-Jim will never know a time before HDTV. He will never have to rely on outdated encyclopedias for report information, because he'll be able to Google anything he can think of. He will grow up thinking that the ease with which we catalog our lives through digital cameras is the only option.
With all of these differences, there are some things that stand out so strongly in
the minds of his mother and me that we intend to introduce them to his consciousness. One of these is Star Wars. The original Star Wars, episodes 4-6, not some Jar-Jar-infected snore-fest. I want him to grow up knowing the age-old struggle of good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, Rebel Alliance vs. Empire. I fully expect his first word to be "Vader", which would be completely fine with me, though I have reservations about his mother's feelings on the matter. She'd probably prefer any number of choices before that.
The way I see it, this is something that he and I can share, something that we have between us. His mother has breastfeeding, I have Star Wars - that's fair, and I intend to hold on to it as long as possible! God forbid he ever become a Trekkie....
1 comment:
Vader? Sounds kinda like "Momma". :) Nothing makes my heart warmer than watching my boys bond over Star Wars...while momma sneaks away to catch a few Z's in the bedroom. You go ahead and claim Star Wars. I could use the extra sleep! :)
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