I'm not quite sure I would be able to point out a monkey wrench in a wrench line-up, but I am very familiar with the concept! Jim is in Canada this week. It's probably our
least favorite thing when he leaves, but we manage and we make up for the sleepless nights that come from sleeping apart by sleeping in extra long on the weekend (we're hoping/praying/wishing on a star that Jim-Jim's plans involve sleeping in, too!) The only kink we had to deal with during this trip is that I am finishing my masters, and I have class on Tuesday nights. Jim-Jim is low maintenance so I figured I would bring him to class with me. It's a televideo course with the professor lecturing from Houston, so I could sit in the back of the classroom with Jim-Jim and no one would be the wiser. Monkey wrench = exam! My first exam fell during the week that Jim is gone. How awful would I feel if Jim-Jim were to cry while everyone is taking an exam?! Time to come up with a plan B...
We asked our Bible Study group if anyone would mind taking care of him and an amazing couple offered to help out (thanks Hillary and Brad!). They picked Jim-Jim up from daycare and let him hang out at their house until I could get there after my exam. He was a perfect gentleman (minus one very ripe diaper!). Jim-Jim must have had tons of fun, too, because he fell asleep during the car ride home, and he didn't wake up the rest of the evening! We all survived our first babysitter experience with flying colors (AND I aced my exam:)
1 comment:
Good job on the exam, not like it's a surprise...what exam do you not ace huh? That sounds like a hectic situation; I'm glad you all found a nice babysitter. How are you liking the coursework this semester?
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