Jim: "It's just not right when the sight of my son makes me want to puke!"
There's a little history behind those words. He grew up in a world where LSU and A&M were rivals, so it goes against every fiber of his being to see his son with an A&M emblem on his chest. I think he looks great as an Aggie! You be the judge...
Jim-Jim didn't quite make it until the end of the game to see the Aggies win.
who carried him in her womb for 9 months? I think that person gets to decide! :) I'm guessing he'll suddenly become a Longhorn fan haha.
Classes are tough! This week, I have four separate things to do for one class, and each of those tasks involves extensive lit searches & about 10 articles each. Gooooo...and this is the usual. It's so busy; my weekends are nothin' but doing homework & projects. It's exhausting. Next wkend is this Obesity Society conference, so I'll have to bust my butt to get stuff done before that (but Rose is coming since her place of work pays for her to come!) The research project I'm helping with is taking a HUGE amt of time as well...but at least it's REAL research! Are you still gonna graduate this semester?
In Louisiana, rooting for the Tigers is closer to a religion than a sporting event. EVERYTHING revolves around Tiger Football! Nearly every joke I heard as a child was an Aggie joke. It's extremely hard to overcome this ingrained disapproval!
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