Saturday, August 2, 2008

Divine Intervention

My maternity leave ended and I started back to work this week, so Jim and I were finally able to carpool and get some much needed quality time. When riding home one day, I was expressing to Jim how much I dislike pumping my breast milk at work. Not only is it difficult to find time to do it and awkward having my boob exposed on the job (albeit while I'm alone in my office behind closed doors), but the one time I decided to wash my pump supplies in the kitchen (I typically use disposable pump wipes) a doctor walks in and says, "Ah, you've been pumping." to which I responded, "Yes, I have." [awkward silence ensues] Jim's response was to tell me that I just have to find time to do it and make it happen. His lecture ended when I shot him a look that said "Okay, Captain Obvious, you grow some boobs and attach suction cups to them every 2 hours and then we'll talk". We haven't even been married a year, and he's getting pretty good at recognizing that look:)

One perk of once again carpooling is that we are able to pray together before he drops me off and we start our days. This was Friday's prayer:

Me: "Lord, help us have wonderfully easy days that go by quickly, and help me find the time to pump this morning even though I have a hectic schedule."

Jim interjects: "And Lord, help Kara realize how important it is that she pumps and provides milk for our son, and that she makes it a priority in her day." (stifling laughter because he knows he's instigating!)

Me: And dear Lord, help Jim realize that he's given this to You, and he shouldn't take it back. He needs to know that You have his best interest at heart, and You're going to take care of this so he NEVER has to mention it again!"

Does the prayer still count if you're using God as a mediator???
Picture by Jim...thanks a lot babe >:(

1 comment:

nana :) said...

What a cutie, and he IS growing fast! Love the blog! nana