Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Home Pooper
My little mann has been going to day care for 2 days, and it's already apparent that he's a home pooper. While I was staying home with him during my maternity leave, I would place him in his vibrating bouncy seat first thing in the morning as soon as he woke up before I changed his diaper. Why before I changed his diaper? As soon as his butt felt the rumble of the bouncy seat, he made some rumbles of his own down below. He doesn't go #2 at night, so his first order of business in the morning is to clear himself out in a flood of feces.
The first day we picked Jim-Jim up from day care, we read the daily report and saw that he had not pooped at all that day! That was unusual, but even more intriguing was that he pooped as soon as I picked him up out of the car seat and sat on the couch. Fluke? I think not! The same exact thing happened today when I got home. No poop at day care, an eruption when I picked him up out of the car seat. I foresee many uncomfortable rides home ending in a race to the bathroom in our future!
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