I'm pregnant. Okay, pull your jaw off of the floor. I'm not really pregnant, but I do have a 1 in 200 chance of becoming pregnant. Since I am breastfeeding, the doctor prescribed a special type of birth control (yes folks, we learned our lesson;) that won't affect my ability to breast feed. Being the nerd that I am, I read the prescription insert from beginning to end prior to beginning the prescription. It stated that 1 out of 200 people get pregnant while taking the pill perfectly. Perfectly means that the pill is taken at the EXACT same time every day without missing a day. Those who don't take the pill perfectly have a 1 out of 20 chance of getting pregnant! Let's put that in perspective. I go to an amazing church that has a congregation size of 20,000 on a given weekend (
http://www.fellowshipchurch.com/). We'll assume half of those are women of reproductive potential. That means that 50 of those women would get pregnant while taking the pill perfectly while 500 of those women would get pregnant while taking the pill imperfectly (they don't even have to miss a day!!!). That many babies would overwhelm the children's ministry! So I set my alarm on my cell phone as a reminder and hope for the best. What it boils down to, though, is that if God wants us to have another baby we will, and we will feel so blessed that God has trusted us to raise another one of His children. But feel free to call me at 1:00 pm to remind me to take my pill!
Note: The ultrasounds are of Jim-Jim when I was 8 weeks, 10 weeks, and 12 weeks along. How Jim-Jim got from there to in my arms is truly a miracle and God's handiwork!
You're probably going to get hate mail from Nana for that whole "I'm pregnant" thing!
Love you, toots!
Oh my goodness - my jaw did drop! Great blog Kara - I sure miss you.
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