I worked so hard! I cuddled that baby and kept him warm for nine months. Every time my mom sat on the couch or on the bed, I lied across her belly. I protected her when the UPS man came by (I think he started knocking and leaving packages by the door to avoid me). Shoot,
was the one who told her she was pregnant! My constant need to be by her side (even in the bathroom where I normally REFUSE to go because that's where I get baths) prompted her to Google "dogs predicting pregnancy" before she had any indication that she may be pregnant. She found out that we canines are pretty talented and can smell the hormone change in a woman when she gets pregnant. And how do they thank me? By replacing me! Do I get to lay on my mom's belly anymore? No, it's now occupied by this squirmy little baby that smells funny if you ask me! Do I get to sleep by mommy? No, the bed is now raised so high to create storage space that I can't even jump up! I just have one thing to say: Dog for sale! I like long walks, lots of treats, cuddling, and smelling other dog's butts.
I'll take you Bailey!! We have a squirmy, not-so-nice smelling boy here too but you will get along gret with Squirt!
After much consideration, I've decided to stay with my current family. They promised endless butt sniffs, and, after all, I do love a good butt sniff! Thank you for your kindness, though. I will have to come visit Squirt!!!
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