We admit, you've been treated like a dog since we brought Jim-Jim h
ome. You don't get to lay on my lap as much as you were accustomed to, and you may not get fed at the exact same time every day, but cut us some slack. Your baby brother has turned our world upside down! We're so proud of how patient you have been with Jim-Jim and how concerned you are about him when he cries. Bailey, if you stick around we'll let you sniff as many butts as you like.

Kara and Jim
what's up with the cat? Is she OK with the baby?
Jim set up the blog, and he didn't mention that Chloe, the cat, would make an appearance. I guess she's not a typer or lacks creativity. She can't express it on the blog, but she's doing much better than Bailey. She never required much attention, so she's getting the same amount of attention as before the baby come home. She's very curious about the baby and is really gentle with him.
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