Thursday, July 10, 2008

Little Boys Get Lonely, too

This morning, my mommy decided to take one of the few opportunities she gets to get a quick shower, so she put me in my vibrating bouncy chair to wait. The past couple of days I have been suffering through a growth spurt, so I am really not a happy camper right now. She stepped out of the shower to the sound of my screams. She's such a wonderful mommy that she quickly threw on a robe to come calm me down. As soon as she sat on the couch on front of my bouncy chair, I quieted and stared at her with my beautiful eyes. She thought it very interesting that she didn't even have to pick me up to calm my screams! Being a lover of the sciences, she decided to test this to see if it was merely coincidence (the scientific method says that results have to be reproducible). Leaving me in my bouncy chair, she went off to do whatever mommies do after a shower. As soon as she got to the bathroom, my wails pierced the air again. She came into the living room and once again my cries quieted as soon as she sat on the couch in front of my bouncy chair. You can see in the pictures how content I was when she came back in the room, BOTH times. Scientific method or not, my mommy now knows that little boys get lonely, too!


Yes, yes...I am very well-spoken for a 4-week old :)

1 comment:

The Toland Tots of Tanglewood said...

Jim-Jim, tell your momma to move the bouncy seat into the bathroom like my momma did when I was little. I loved the sound of the shower and if I got crazy, momma would just look out at me and I was fine. It will save your momma a lot of stress later on but it's good that you've gotten her wrapped around your little finger already. Keep up the good work! Your friend, Remington