"Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death." Anais Nin
Such a simple concept but so difficult to embrace! It is tempting to reach the status quo and become content in remaining there. I'm no different! In the snow globe of my life, I would elect to have the snow neatly shoveled off of my driveway with an average-sized snowman adorning my yard. When living a Christian life, you don't have the luxury of electing the status quo. Change is inevitable! God is the master of my snow globe domain, and He's given it a powerful shake! I've been enjoying watching the snowflakes fall where they may, knowing that the snowflakes aren't haphazardly falling but are being placed by divine hands.
The adventure began when God led me to my soul mate, a man I would marry in September 2007. We decided that God would be in charge of our birth control, and we found out quickly that God is pro-life! For the first 9 months of our marriage, my body was responsible for nurturing a human life within itself. There is nothing like a new marriage and pregnancy hormones to make life interesting! Jim-Jim arrived June 2008 and has completely altered our world! Jim and I were standing over his crib one evening and discussed that Jim-Jim has only been in this world 3 weeks but we can't imagine a time when he wasn't here. That snowflake fell into his crib and took our hearts with it. I have
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